■ Project Objectives 2000/11/21

We place the highest priority on achieving happiness among human and dogs.
Our attempt is to act according to this concept most effectively with least costs.
We must take each step carefully since the project involves life.
Instead of simply considering the number of dogs one can keep, the project should be an opportunity for concerned people to reconsider having responsibility in their life.

It is our wish that the project will make people realize that breeding based on ignorance, recklessness, profit-orientation, and selfish desires would result in the misery of both human and dogs, and to recognize the enormous responsibility of breeding.
It is our wish that people reconsider the relevance of dogs for market, that people realize that nothing would be solved by simply finding homes for the dogs, and that there is something you can do to help them, not somebody else.

Dogs have lived with us for twenty thousand years.
They not only work with us physically, but also support us spiritually.
They have taken a position in our families long ago.
Humanity has received many benefits from them.
It is our wish that people begin considering the dog’s importance in our society, and how to treat them as a human.