¡@Konatsufs Step-By-Step Preparations for Australia!¡

@ @
"SUPER STRICT Australian Quarantine Regulations"
"I'd like to export a dog to Australia...."
I have already lost count of how many times I mention this phrase to the@people from
Australian Embassy, Quarantine Office at Narita air port & Kansai air port (Kanku),
Kanku, Customs Office, Air Line Companies, Customs Clearances Agents, etc... Without a
single miss, everyone said "Australia... well, thatfs going to be tough..." One of them even
said, "Many people have actually given up the hope to export their pets, simply because their
quarantine regulations are way too strict.h

The data sheets I obtained were 3 pages filled with medical and@veterinary jargons. As each
examination and vaccination has a specific time frame, we had to make a very detailed and
organized plan ahead in order to keep every@data and results to be valid before Konatsufs

Australian quarantine regulations are indeed tough and strict, and it was as
bad as saying gDO NOT bring your pets into Australia. If you insist, however, then
we shall test your enthusiasm to the limit!h Well, you say so, Australian Quarantine, we
shall show you how much passion we have for Konatsufs happiness!

Please click here for the detailed quarantine regulations

The total estimated cost will be approximately A$ 7142!!
The outbreak place Contents The Australian dollar (A $) Japanese Yen (the yen) Remarks
Japan Cost for Application for Import Permit 60 4,200
Australia Cost for Quarantine Entry Form 12 840
Australia Examination (per animal) 68 4,760
Australia Document Clearance (per animal) 30 2,100
Australia Transsportation (In Australia) 95 6,650
Australia Accommodation 480 33,600 minimum stay for 30days
Australia Additional Veterinarian Services 520 36,400 A rough estimate
Japan Air Fare & Customs Fee. 300,000 A rough estimate
Japan Microchip 0 under investigation
Australia Cherru Eye Surgery 235 16,450
Australia Firlaria Treaatment 200 14,000
Australia Bordetella Vaccination
0 under investigation
Japan Exams, Vaccination, &Tick Treatment
0 under investigation
Japan Crate for Air Transportation
56,000 A praice
Japan Transportation (In Japan)
Japan Communication Expenses
50,000 A rough estimate
@Total 1,734 544,960

Time Line before Konatsufs Departure to Australia

Konatsu was microchipped on the 11th of July 2001.

¡Serum Agglutination Test for Bricellosis (Brucella canis infection), Ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia canis infection) and Leptospirosis (Leptospira interrogans var. canicola) by a government-approved laboratory.
Konatsu must be tested for Bricellosis, Ehrlichiosis and Leptospirosis, and produce full negative results. If a dog had ever produced positive results on Bricellosis and Ehrlichiosis in the past, the dog will not be allowed imported into Australia even after recovery.

Serum agglutination test for Australian Quarantine.

Konatsufs blood sample was collected on the 9th of August and sent to Yokohama Quarantine Laboratory. The result will be out around the 20th of August.

¡External Parasites
On the 10th of August, Konatsu was treated with a long lasting acaricide that is registered for the control of ticks and mites within 24 hours of the blood sampling for Ehrlichiosis.

¡Vaccination (1)
On the 18th of July, Komtsu was vaccinated against distemper, infectious hepatitis, canine parvovirus (Parvo), and para-influenza.

¡Vaccination (2)
In Japan, the vaccination against Bodetella bronchisepatica (kennel cough) cannot be given individually. It is usually give together with 6 or 7 other vaccines, including t vaccine against Leprospira interrogans var. canicola. Since the vaccination against Leptospirosis may cause a blood titre rise, Konatsu will not be able to have the vaccine prior to her departure.

¡Rabies Shot Certificate
In order to enter Australia, Konatsu must proved that she has been continuously living in Japan for a minimum of 6 months immediately prior to her shipment or since her birth. Usually, medical record and registration certificate will be used to verify an animalfs status, Konatsu had neither of them. Therefore, her rabies shot certificate will be used instead.

¡Travel Crate
Only cages or crates certified and approved by IATA may be used for transportation of the live animals. Since Konatsu was more familiar with a wire cage, we purchased a Kennel 700 for exportation. Konatsu started to live in the kennel since the 7th of August.

¡Cherry Eye
The medical term for cherry eye is nictitans gland prolapse or prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid. Unlike people, dogs have a third eyelid that contains a tear gland and is located in the corner of each eye. Under normal circumstances this gland is not visible and aids in the production of tears. For some reason, which may be genetic or environmental, the gland of the third eyelid prolapses or comes out of its normal position and swells creating the condition known as cherry eye. If the animal was kept in unhygienic condition, he/she may scratch and damage its own eyes with its front paw. Once the gland prolapses and is exposed to the dry air and irritants, it can become infected and or begin to swell. The gland often becomes irritated, red and swollen. There is sometimes a mucous discharge and if the animals rubs or scratches at it they can traumatize the gland further or possibly create an ulcer on the surface of the eye. It must be surgically treated.

At one time it was popular to surgically remove the gland as a way to correct this condition. However, now the recent treatment consists of surgically repositioning the gland. This is because the removal of the glands can create many problems later in the animals life.

Since the treatment will be conducted in several times, it is the best for the same veterinarian to supervise and take charge of the entire treatment. Therefore, it is arranged for Konatsu to have the treatment in Australia.

Our project requires all the potential foster family of our dogs to sterilize their adopted dog. This is to protect them from further exploitations by the humans. All the rescued dogs of our project have been exploited in many ways by people; some of them were used for the entertainment at theme parks, while others were continuously bred to produce more puppies. The breeding program was conducted with little or no concern over their living environment or possible prevent genetic disorder.

Therefore, it was absolutely necessary to ensure that the potential foster family is willing to take the responsibility of their sterilization.

In addition, we also believe that our rescued dogs will benefit from sterilization.

Sterilization or castration will be able to prevent them from having numerous diseases related to reproductive system (such as malignant tumors), which are extremely common alignments among the pedigree dogs in old age. It is almost impossible or extremely rare for a pedigree to enjoy a healthy longevity without suffering from mammary tumors or uterine empyema.

It is our utmost wish for all of our rescued dogs to have a healthy, happy long life with their faster family. The Great Dane Rescue group and the prospective foster family of Konatsu in Australia have already promised us to have her sterilized, once she successfully entered Australia.

¡Positive Result in Filariasis
According to our vet, gThough Konatsu does have some adult filaria in her system, the number is rather smallh.

Currently, there are 2 ways to get rid of adult filaria: one is by operation, the other is by injections.

Since Australia is the pioneer and has much more advanced medical technology in extermination of filaria by injections, Konatsu shall be treated over in Australia